
Sokari Ekine, of, a member of our Nigerian blogging community has been invited to be one of 50 bloggers at the upcoming G20 Summit. I think this is huge because it is the first time bloggers have been invited to the summit which takes place April 2nd, 2009. You can read more about it on her blog.

The Naija Bloggers Award 2009 officially ends today. I hope you guys had fun being a part of it because that was the purpose of doing it. This year was just the second time Naija Bloggers Award was held, i know next year will be bigger and better. I hope someone who has more expertise in the business of hosting online awards takes on the mantle next year. This was just to get the juices flowing and i think we accomplished that.

I would like to thank those who took time to be a part of this event. It would not have been possible without your participation, comments, blog entries (free publicity) and all that good stuff. Congratulations to all the winners, you all deserve it.

I would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this in one way or another, Solomon Sydelle, Babajide Salu, Eromo (Severus Snape), Good naija Girl, Rita, Loy Okezie of Startups Nigeria, Ndesanjo Macha of Global Voices and all the bloggers too numerous to mention who took time to blog about the awards.

Special thanks to Toluwa, Geisha, and Naijagirl who volunteered their time to do this with me when i first asked for help. Even though things did not go as anticipated, the show went on and for that, i am thankful. Toluwa you are a rock beyond all measure. Thank you.

Special note about the blogsville citizens list, it is by no means an exhaustive list of all the Nigerian blogs on the net and it wasn't meant to be. It was done on an informal basis and no one should feel slighted that they are not on the list. I tried to add everyone who left a comment to the list, although it is very possible that i left a couple out. The only reason we started a list was to have a convenient way for bloggers to discover new blogs. Hopefully people take advantage of the list and increase the members of their blog family that way.

Please, please let's continue this awards and make it a yearly thing. I am passing on the mantle to whoever is willing to take it up. This year's awards should be used as a stepping stone.



Category B winners

I laugh in Japanese (Funniest Blogger) – Vera

Celebutant - Most likely to become a celebrity off blogging – Vera

Drama King/Queen - (Over) dramatic blogger – Lady Koko

Hot and Sexy! Blogger you think is hot in real life – Princesa

Grandma/Grandpa Blogger - Seasoned Veteran who still updates frequently – Solomon Sydelle

Paparazzi Blogger - Always reading and commenting on blogs, all the time – Bumight

Fire in my Pants!- Blogger who would hook up with based solely on the content of their Blog – Baroque

Meme addict of Blogsville – Chari and Buttercup

FIRST!!! Always first to comment on Blogs – Temite

Most Scandalous/Controversial Blogger – Sugabelly

Blogger I would most like to meet - Ladyguide

Most Stalked Blog - People keep going back for updates/comments – Afrobabe

From the outside looking in - Non-Nigerian members of Blogsville – Shona Vixen

Blogsville Celebrity/Popular Jingo - Most Popular Blogger – Afrobabe

Disappearing act award - Blogger disappears for long periods – 36 inches of brown leg

Naijacentric -repping naija to the fullest – Fine boy agbero

(n)Oprah Award - most likely to become talk show host – Standtall

Quiet Storm -most likely to take over the world – Exschoolnerd

Say What! - random/confusing blogger – Rethots

Epistle blogger - long posts – Exschoolnerd

Creative Moniker - Blog title – Miss Definitely Maybe

Blogsville Tatafo - gossip Blog – Gossip girl Naija

Friendliest Blogger – Buttercup

Favorite Newbie Blogger - RocNaija

Since there are two categories, we decided to have two different logos for the winners. So here's the logo for Category B winners.

Active Participant Award

When we first started the awards, we promised to give the most active/vocal participant a special shout out at the end. It's something we feel is very important because there is no way we would have had a successful Bloggers awards without all you wonderful people of Blogsville participating. We couldn't have done this without you guys. Special thanks to everyone who stopped by this site and if you took the time to leave comments, three gbosas to you.

Now to the big reveal of today. The award for the most active participant of Naija Bloggers Award 2009 goes to (drum roll).................... Miss Iyabo Opeke. Standing ovation to her. Here's your award and thanks for being a huge part of Naija Bloggers Award 2009.

The awards is slowly but surely coming to an end. Voting for Category B ended yesterday and the winners will be announced tomorrow, March 26th 2009. Watch this space!

Blogsville Initiatives

If something must be said about Nigerian bloggers, it has got be that we are a group of smart, funny, creative, intellectual writers, amongst other great attributes. How do I know? Well lets take a look at some of the ideas that we have come up with.

The first Naija Bloggers Award was initiated by Taurean minx in 2006. She was the first to come up with the idea and actually do something about it. Even though it took 3 more years for us to have another one, we hope that this becomes a yearly affair as it is a great avenue to bring naija bloggers together. Kudos to Tminx for being a poineer.

Blogsville Idol 2007 and 2008 was brought to blogsville by Miss Opeke and Pink Satin. Do these ladies know how to put on a show or what?!. The highly esteemed Pinkpeke productions are a force to be reckoned with. They know how to cause a stir in Blogsville just when things are starting to get lukewarm. When it comes to singing, we definitely have a variety of voices, from good to very funny! Note that I did not say “bad". Some of the voices heard on blogsville idol were funny! Omo Ibadan especially contested to make people laugh because his choice of songs and the way he chose to sing them were just plain funny. Others contested just to be heard in a different way. The whole event just went on to prove how much of a family Nigerian bloggers are. We most definitely are looking forward to Blogsville Idol 2009, and we are sure the ladies (Pinkpeke) are going to bring it! as they usually do.

Blogsville is filled with a lot of creative people who love to write. 14th and Serenity took blogsville by storm. Atutupoyoyo, Allied, Boorish male, Carlang, Catwalq, Jaja, Kiibati, Naapali, Overwhelmed naija babe, Rayo, Solomon Sydelle, UK naija, and Waffarian all came together to put up a show stopping series. The collaboration was beautiful to say the least, thanks to Catwalq who initiated the series. If you missed it, now's your chance to stop by 14th and serenity and get in the loop.

Then there was the call for entries from Bloggers for The bloggers book by Laspapi. I'm not sure what came of that initiative but it is a noteworthy effort that needs to be applauded.

We all heard about the arrest of Jonathan Elendu in Nigeria. Blogsville got super riled up at that time. Leading the crusade for his release was Nigerian Curiousity by Solomonsydelle with the Free Jonathan Elendu campaign. She was joined on that campaign by other bloggers. This is a little example that shows that we don't play in blogsville.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank all these wonderful and creative bloggers. We appreciate the time and effort you guys put in your various projects. I'm sure there will be a lot more initiatives by other members of blogsville in the future. This place is filled with a lot of talented people. Let's keep up the good work.

Reminder: Voting for Category B ends tomorrow. You have the whole day, Tuesday March 24th to vote. Thanks.

Favorite former Bloggers

As the competition is winding down ( we have less than a week to go), in the spirit of the awards which is to get everyone together and discover new bloggers, we would like to remember out favorite bloggers who for one reason or another no longer blog.

So please leave a comment indicating who your favorite former blogger is.

To all the bloggers who visit this site and haven't left a comment, please we encourage you to do so, that way people can get to know who you are. Remember, the most active particpant of this awards get a special shout out at the end.

Thanks for participating. Congratulations to all the nominees of Category B and to the winners of Category A.

Here's the final list of our favorite former bloggers as suggested by Blogsville. Click on the links, check out our very interesting former bloggers. Naija fine boy and Bimbylads are sure to make you laugh. Confused girl, London Buki and Tinuke (Dear Seun), all have some inspirational/eye opening stories/experiences to share.

  1. Calabar Gal
  2. Chippla vandu
  3. The original Fineboy - Naija fineboy
  4. Naapali
  5. Zahratique
  6. Boorish Male
  7. Guy Horny
  8. Bab's House
  9. NaijaBloke
  10. London Buki,
  11. TaureanMinx
  12. Omohemi Benson
  13. Geisha
  14. Uzo
  15. Bimbylads
  16. Belle
  17. Vickii
  18. Biodun
  19. Desola
  20. LondonNaijaChic
  21. London Chameleon
  22. Aihammed delot
  23. Idemmili
  24. Noni Moss
  25. zephi
  26. Confused naija girl
  27. soupasexy
  28. Mona
  29. Tintin
  30. Minky
  31. Babaalaye
  32. Tinuke (Dear Seun)
  33. Ajike
  34. Aloofar
  35. naijachikito
  36. Obinnwanne
  37. Callywaffy babe
  38. Desperate lady
  39. Simply Gorgeous
  40. BJ matix
  41. Bukenzo
  42. Zai princess
  43. imoted
  44. lurlar
  45. Last king of Scotland
  46. Tayo Odukoya
  47. Daddy's girl
  48. Pseudo independent
  49. ms Zee
  50. Raquel cutie
  51. Chicala
  52. Biodun
  53. Ugo Daniels

And they won...the serious Category A winners!

Its our greatest honor to present the following awards to the nominated bloggers. Keep in mind that everyone is a winner, and this event was to bring us Nigerian and non-Nigerian bloggers together. The logo for the winners will be under this post, so please copy and paste on your page if you are a winner.

Drum roll please.............
Bloggers choice Award - Solomonsydelle
Best intellectual Blogger - Aloofar

Best Student Blogger - Bumight

Best Political Blogger - Nigerian Curiosity (SSD)

Best Religious Blog - Jaycee

Most Inspiring blogger - Jaycee

Best entertaiment blog - Bella Naija

Best Fashion blog - J'adore fashion

Best use of media - Bella naija

Best use of theme - Stand tall (Activism)

Best use of Visuals - Afrobabe

Best Literary blog - Nigerian Drama Queen

Most creative blogger - Fine Boy Agbero

Dedicated Blogger - Good girl Naija

Best Personal Blog - Good girl Naija

Best Everyday read - Vera

Most likeable blogger - Vera
And Our Best Male blogger is.......Tobenna (shirak)!

And thats it for category A winners and male blogger winner. Do not forget to begin voting for your favorite category B winners. It starts tonight... Please post this on your blog.

Our funny and weird nominees are....

I laugh in Japanese - Funniest Blogger
Fineboy Agbero
Original Mgbeke

Celebutant - Most likely to become a celebrity off blogging


Drama King/Queen - (Over)dramatic blogger
Nigerian Drama Queen

Lady Koko

Hot and Sexy! Blogger you think is hot in real life
Fineboy Agbero

Grandma/Grandpa Blogger - Seasoned Veteran who still updates frequently
Overwhelmed Naija babe

Jeremy Weate

Paparazzi Blogger - Always reading and commenting on blogs, all the time!
Miz Cynic
Shona Vixen

Fire in my Pants - Blogger who would hook up with based soley on the content of their blog


Meme addict of Blogsville
Chari and Buttercup


FIRST!!! Always first to comment on Blogs

Miss Iyabo Opeke

Most Scandalous/Controversial Blogger

Ubong da
London Chameleon

Blogger I would most like to meet
Nigerian Drama Queen


Most Stalked Blog - People keep going back for updates/comments
Chari and Buttercup

From the outside looking in - Non-nigerian members of Blogsville
Ms Sula
Jarrai (WM)
Queen of my castle

Blogsville Celebrity/Popular Jingo - Most Popular Blogger

Disappearing act award - Blogger disappears for long periods
36 inches of brown leg
Pink Satin

Naijacentric -repping naija to the fullest
Fine Boy agbero

Oprah -most likely to become talk show host
thirty +


Quiet Storm -most likely to take over the world

Exschool Nerd
Good Naija Girl
Tobenna (shirak)

Say What! - random/confusing blogger
Ms O

Miz Cynic

Epistle blogger - long posts
Bond/City girl

Creative Moniker - blog title
Chari & Buttercup
FineBoy Agbero
Miss Definitely Maybe

Blogsville Tatafo - gossip blog
Linda Ikeji
Lady guide

Gossip girl naija
Gist master
Bella naija

Friendliest Blogger
Good naija girl
Lady guide

Favorite Newbie Blogger

Jide Salu
Confessions in Scarlet

Favorite Male Blogger
Male bloggers have been narrowed down based on the number of votes. You have until tomorrow to pick a winner. Right now there is a tie between two male bloggers. Let's break that tie people.

Winners of the Category A awards will be announced TOMORROW. Watch this space.

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