
Sokari Ekine, of, a member of our Nigerian blogging community has been invited to be one of 50 bloggers at the upcoming G20 Summit. I think this is huge because it is the first time bloggers have been invited to the summit which takes place April 2nd, 2009. You can read more about it on her blog.

The Naija Bloggers Award 2009 officially ends today. I hope you guys had fun being a part of it because that was the purpose of doing it. This year was just the second time Naija Bloggers Award was held, i know next year will be bigger and better. I hope someone who has more expertise in the business of hosting online awards takes on the mantle next year. This was just to get the juices flowing and i think we accomplished that.

I would like to thank those who took time to be a part of this event. It would not have been possible without your participation, comments, blog entries (free publicity) and all that good stuff. Congratulations to all the winners, you all deserve it.

I would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this in one way or another, Solomon Sydelle, Babajide Salu, Eromo (Severus Snape), Good naija Girl, Rita, Loy Okezie of Startups Nigeria, Ndesanjo Macha of Global Voices and all the bloggers too numerous to mention who took time to blog about the awards.

Special thanks to Toluwa, Geisha, and Naijagirl who volunteered their time to do this with me when i first asked for help. Even though things did not go as anticipated, the show went on and for that, i am thankful. Toluwa you are a rock beyond all measure. Thank you.

Special note about the blogsville citizens list, it is by no means an exhaustive list of all the Nigerian blogs on the net and it wasn't meant to be. It was done on an informal basis and no one should feel slighted that they are not on the list. I tried to add everyone who left a comment to the list, although it is very possible that i left a couple out. The only reason we started a list was to have a convenient way for bloggers to discover new blogs. Hopefully people take advantage of the list and increase the members of their blog family that way.

Please, please let's continue this awards and make it a yearly thing. I am passing on the mantle to whoever is willing to take it up. This year's awards should be used as a stepping stone.



Category B winners

I laugh in Japanese (Funniest Blogger) – Vera

Celebutant - Most likely to become a celebrity off blogging – Vera

Drama King/Queen - (Over) dramatic blogger – Lady Koko

Hot and Sexy! Blogger you think is hot in real life – Princesa

Grandma/Grandpa Blogger - Seasoned Veteran who still updates frequently – Solomon Sydelle

Paparazzi Blogger - Always reading and commenting on blogs, all the time – Bumight

Fire in my Pants!- Blogger who would hook up with based solely on the content of their Blog – Baroque

Meme addict of Blogsville – Chari and Buttercup

FIRST!!! Always first to comment on Blogs – Temite

Most Scandalous/Controversial Blogger – Sugabelly

Blogger I would most like to meet - Ladyguide

Most Stalked Blog - People keep going back for updates/comments – Afrobabe

From the outside looking in - Non-Nigerian members of Blogsville – Shona Vixen

Blogsville Celebrity/Popular Jingo - Most Popular Blogger – Afrobabe

Disappearing act award - Blogger disappears for long periods – 36 inches of brown leg

Naijacentric -repping naija to the fullest – Fine boy agbero

(n)Oprah Award - most likely to become talk show host – Standtall

Quiet Storm -most likely to take over the world – Exschoolnerd

Say What! - random/confusing blogger – Rethots

Epistle blogger - long posts – Exschoolnerd

Creative Moniker - Blog title – Miss Definitely Maybe

Blogsville Tatafo - gossip Blog – Gossip girl Naija

Friendliest Blogger – Buttercup

Favorite Newbie Blogger - RocNaija

Since there are two categories, we decided to have two different logos for the winners. So here's the logo for Category B winners.

Active Participant Award

When we first started the awards, we promised to give the most active/vocal participant a special shout out at the end. It's something we feel is very important because there is no way we would have had a successful Bloggers awards without all you wonderful people of Blogsville participating. We couldn't have done this without you guys. Special thanks to everyone who stopped by this site and if you took the time to leave comments, three gbosas to you.

Now to the big reveal of today. The award for the most active participant of Naija Bloggers Award 2009 goes to (drum roll).................... Miss Iyabo Opeke. Standing ovation to her. Here's your award and thanks for being a huge part of Naija Bloggers Award 2009.

The awards is slowly but surely coming to an end. Voting for Category B ended yesterday and the winners will be announced tomorrow, March 26th 2009. Watch this space!

Blogsville Initiatives

If something must be said about Nigerian bloggers, it has got be that we are a group of smart, funny, creative, intellectual writers, amongst other great attributes. How do I know? Well lets take a look at some of the ideas that we have come up with.

The first Naija Bloggers Award was initiated by Taurean minx in 2006. She was the first to come up with the idea and actually do something about it. Even though it took 3 more years for us to have another one, we hope that this becomes a yearly affair as it is a great avenue to bring naija bloggers together. Kudos to Tminx for being a poineer.

Blogsville Idol 2007 and 2008 was brought to blogsville by Miss Opeke and Pink Satin. Do these ladies know how to put on a show or what?!. The highly esteemed Pinkpeke productions are a force to be reckoned with. They know how to cause a stir in Blogsville just when things are starting to get lukewarm. When it comes to singing, we definitely have a variety of voices, from good to very funny! Note that I did not say “bad". Some of the voices heard on blogsville idol were funny! Omo Ibadan especially contested to make people laugh because his choice of songs and the way he chose to sing them were just plain funny. Others contested just to be heard in a different way. The whole event just went on to prove how much of a family Nigerian bloggers are. We most definitely are looking forward to Blogsville Idol 2009, and we are sure the ladies (Pinkpeke) are going to bring it! as they usually do.

Blogsville is filled with a lot of creative people who love to write. 14th and Serenity took blogsville by storm. Atutupoyoyo, Allied, Boorish male, Carlang, Catwalq, Jaja, Kiibati, Naapali, Overwhelmed naija babe, Rayo, Solomon Sydelle, UK naija, and Waffarian all came together to put up a show stopping series. The collaboration was beautiful to say the least, thanks to Catwalq who initiated the series. If you missed it, now's your chance to stop by 14th and serenity and get in the loop.

Then there was the call for entries from Bloggers for The bloggers book by Laspapi. I'm not sure what came of that initiative but it is a noteworthy effort that needs to be applauded.

We all heard about the arrest of Jonathan Elendu in Nigeria. Blogsville got super riled up at that time. Leading the crusade for his release was Nigerian Curiousity by Solomonsydelle with the Free Jonathan Elendu campaign. She was joined on that campaign by other bloggers. This is a little example that shows that we don't play in blogsville.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank all these wonderful and creative bloggers. We appreciate the time and effort you guys put in your various projects. I'm sure there will be a lot more initiatives by other members of blogsville in the future. This place is filled with a lot of talented people. Let's keep up the good work.

Reminder: Voting for Category B ends tomorrow. You have the whole day, Tuesday March 24th to vote. Thanks.

Favorite former Bloggers

As the competition is winding down ( we have less than a week to go), in the spirit of the awards which is to get everyone together and discover new bloggers, we would like to remember out favorite bloggers who for one reason or another no longer blog.

So please leave a comment indicating who your favorite former blogger is.

To all the bloggers who visit this site and haven't left a comment, please we encourage you to do so, that way people can get to know who you are. Remember, the most active particpant of this awards get a special shout out at the end.

Thanks for participating. Congratulations to all the nominees of Category B and to the winners of Category A.

Here's the final list of our favorite former bloggers as suggested by Blogsville. Click on the links, check out our very interesting former bloggers. Naija fine boy and Bimbylads are sure to make you laugh. Confused girl, London Buki and Tinuke (Dear Seun), all have some inspirational/eye opening stories/experiences to share.

  1. Calabar Gal
  2. Chippla vandu
  3. The original Fineboy - Naija fineboy
  4. Naapali
  5. Zahratique
  6. Boorish Male
  7. Guy Horny
  8. Bab's House
  9. NaijaBloke
  10. London Buki,
  11. TaureanMinx
  12. Omohemi Benson
  13. Geisha
  14. Uzo
  15. Bimbylads
  16. Belle
  17. Vickii
  18. Biodun
  19. Desola
  20. LondonNaijaChic
  21. London Chameleon
  22. Aihammed delot
  23. Idemmili
  24. Noni Moss
  25. zephi
  26. Confused naija girl
  27. soupasexy
  28. Mona
  29. Tintin
  30. Minky
  31. Babaalaye
  32. Tinuke (Dear Seun)
  33. Ajike
  34. Aloofar
  35. naijachikito
  36. Obinnwanne
  37. Callywaffy babe
  38. Desperate lady
  39. Simply Gorgeous
  40. BJ matix
  41. Bukenzo
  42. Zai princess
  43. imoted
  44. lurlar
  45. Last king of Scotland
  46. Tayo Odukoya
  47. Daddy's girl
  48. Pseudo independent
  49. ms Zee
  50. Raquel cutie
  51. Chicala
  52. Biodun
  53. Ugo Daniels

And they won...the serious Category A winners!

Its our greatest honor to present the following awards to the nominated bloggers. Keep in mind that everyone is a winner, and this event was to bring us Nigerian and non-Nigerian bloggers together. The logo for the winners will be under this post, so please copy and paste on your page if you are a winner.

Drum roll please.............
Bloggers choice Award - Solomonsydelle
Best intellectual Blogger - Aloofar

Best Student Blogger - Bumight

Best Political Blogger - Nigerian Curiosity (SSD)

Best Religious Blog - Jaycee

Most Inspiring blogger - Jaycee

Best entertaiment blog - Bella Naija

Best Fashion blog - J'adore fashion

Best use of media - Bella naija

Best use of theme - Stand tall (Activism)

Best use of Visuals - Afrobabe

Best Literary blog - Nigerian Drama Queen

Most creative blogger - Fine Boy Agbero

Dedicated Blogger - Good girl Naija

Best Personal Blog - Good girl Naija

Best Everyday read - Vera

Most likeable blogger - Vera
And Our Best Male blogger is.......Tobenna (shirak)!

And thats it for category A winners and male blogger winner. Do not forget to begin voting for your favorite category B winners. It starts tonight... Please post this on your blog.

Our funny and weird nominees are....

I laugh in Japanese - Funniest Blogger
Fineboy Agbero
Original Mgbeke

Celebutant - Most likely to become a celebrity off blogging


Drama King/Queen - (Over)dramatic blogger
Nigerian Drama Queen

Lady Koko

Hot and Sexy! Blogger you think is hot in real life
Fineboy Agbero

Grandma/Grandpa Blogger - Seasoned Veteran who still updates frequently
Overwhelmed Naija babe

Jeremy Weate

Paparazzi Blogger - Always reading and commenting on blogs, all the time!
Miz Cynic
Shona Vixen

Fire in my Pants - Blogger who would hook up with based soley on the content of their blog


Meme addict of Blogsville
Chari and Buttercup


FIRST!!! Always first to comment on Blogs

Miss Iyabo Opeke

Most Scandalous/Controversial Blogger

Ubong da
London Chameleon

Blogger I would most like to meet
Nigerian Drama Queen


Most Stalked Blog - People keep going back for updates/comments
Chari and Buttercup

From the outside looking in - Non-nigerian members of Blogsville
Ms Sula
Jarrai (WM)
Queen of my castle

Blogsville Celebrity/Popular Jingo - Most Popular Blogger

Disappearing act award - Blogger disappears for long periods
36 inches of brown leg
Pink Satin

Naijacentric -repping naija to the fullest
Fine Boy agbero

Oprah -most likely to become talk show host
thirty +


Quiet Storm -most likely to take over the world

Exschool Nerd
Good Naija Girl
Tobenna (shirak)

Say What! - random/confusing blogger
Ms O

Miz Cynic

Epistle blogger - long posts
Bond/City girl

Creative Moniker - blog title
Chari & Buttercup
FineBoy Agbero
Miss Definitely Maybe

Blogsville Tatafo - gossip blog
Linda Ikeji
Lady guide

Gossip girl naija
Gist master
Bella naija

Friendliest Blogger
Good naija girl
Lady guide

Favorite Newbie Blogger

Jide Salu
Confessions in Scarlet

Favorite Male Blogger
Male bloggers have been narrowed down based on the number of votes. You have until tomorrow to pick a winner. Right now there is a tie between two male bloggers. Let's break that tie people.

Winners of the Category A awards will be announced TOMORROW. Watch this space.

Male Bloggers

Our men of Valor…

Poetically tinted was right when she said….ITS RAINING MEN! They have refused to let this award be an all female thing, which of course was not out intent but seemed like it because the females were more involved and greatly outnumber the guys.

Forgive me if I do not go into details about each and every male blogger, as you know that there are a lot. I will definitely start with a favorite of everyone…Shirak! He is known to everyone as Tobenna. He is smart, witty, and always MIA. Well, he just got married, so we would let him slide. When I read his blog, I almost feel like I am in the scenario he is talking about. Well, we do wish him a happy married life. Speaking of marriage, someone should tell Fine Boy Agbero to pick one of his many wives as a permanent one. FBA, definitely the comic, is also a very interesting person. We all know or think that the personality in his posts are a figment of his imagination; it takes a very creative person to pull that off and it almost makes us believe that he had lived that “agbero” life. FBA! Kudos!

At first look, I thought Invisible was a chic. I was very very wrong. He might not have been a chic, but he was definitely weird; he had three personalities, AA, AB, ZQ, and what not. But with all these, he kept readers coming back, and thankfully, he is now with just one personality. BF? Right?

We can definitely say we have some seriously serious Naija men. Not to be misunderstood, we are talking about men whose posts regardless of where they are remind you of Nigeria. I mean, just hearing the name Ochuko, would immediately put you in your home, with kids running around naked and bus conductors yelling the bus stops. Jaguda and Black007 definitely are embodiments of Nigerian men. Although 007 lives abroad, most of his posts tell you a story, a story that you already probably have.

And then we have the smart people. The ones whose posts we go “uh?”. They are the likes of Seye, Antinormal. Don’t get me wrong, we love them, but we have to read some of their posts twice before we kinda maybe understand. But hey, we are a family, and so we love you even though you give us migraines sometimes.

Tankojetty! Wat are you about again? We are not sure, but we read anyways. We are always curious to see what you have on your page, so hey, you have our undivided attention.

The first religious/sensitive blog by a guy which I have come across is Lumidee! He has a sensitive touch to him. We, well the ladies love sensitive.

Danny Bagucci….the guy who picked a name that sounds like a shoe designer as Buttercup put it. He says he is trying to rediscover himself, but we definitely think he is already discovered and defined. He oozes intelligence. DB, if you are striving for more, go ahead, we are right behind you but we by no means see you as undiscovered. Another intelligent guy is rethots. His posts actually make you think before responding.

Did you guys realize we have a famous guy in our family! Unusual name for a famous guy…..Babawilly! Doctor! Enough said!

Oh, this last person would be so mad to be mentioned last, but one thing he must realize is that the best is always saved for the last! DOUG….he is interesting, sweet and writes great posts. Sad thing is that he is leaving, along with Aloofar. Maybe he would realize how much he will be missed and come back! We love you Doug.

PS…the male bloggers mentioned in this post are the guys who left comments in the comment box of the post that asked the guys to represent themselves. Vote for your favorite male blogger on the right side of this page. We included all the guys who commented on the male bloggers post and also those who were mentioned in the comments left by others. If your favorite male blogger was not nominated... Fear not! The poll gives you the option to add other answers.


Newbie Bloggers

We all know that there are tons of new naija bloggers everyday, some we know and others we are yet to discover. The theme of this year's naija bloggers award is "Who you be?" In that vain, i would like to introduce to you guys a few newbie bloggers.

First we have Bob-Ij a make-up artist based in Canada

Hello Blogville citizens,
Bob-ij here, representing the Nigerians in Canada
Bastille of Beauty is my impression of myself; I am a prison of talent, prison of ideas, dreams and music. More so, I am a make-up artist who throws caution to the wind and puts my African touch into my creations. Click click!
My blog is an insight in to my drama-filled life and my constantly jumbled mind. Help me sort things out! I will have monthly and maybe bi-monthly post on make-up tips, Do's and DON’Ts which female citizens will find extremely useful, trust me and none of those fancy terms, all in plain English. LOL
I try to be funny here and there but I will never dream of doing stand-up comedy at the expense of being stoned with a shoe!! LOL … Not good enough for that.
Blogville has been an inspiration to me, I can relate to so many posts on an individual level. I’m more impressed with the fact that no one is judged for having an opinion, for doing something wrong, or for a failure. As far as I’m concerned, all Blogville citizens are innocent of any accusations. Anyone who has a problem with that should give me a phone call on 911….lol….

IJ has some beautiful pictures to share with us.

Visit IJ @ and enter the world colourful world of IJ MADUEKE

Next we have a naija chef based in the United states. Alhaji's Cuisine specializes in flavorful and colorful intercultural dishes. Trust me, u need to head over to his blog to feast your eyes on his mouthwatering, tantalizing dishes. I'm sure he'll be willing to share the recipes with you guys.

Here's a little sneak peak of what Chef Ola has to offer.

So head on over to Alhaji's cuisine for the whole shebang!

After indulging in all the wonderful dishes Chef Ola has to offer, i'm sure you guys would need help losing some of the excess pounds. African weight loss diva is here to help keep u fit and trim (as long as you follow her advice, it's not magic, you know!) Here's what she has to say.

Hi blogsville,
I am actually new to blogsville. I am A Nigerian, i live in Lagos, a
Doctor. I basically deal with weight loss and fitness, so i also help
people do fitness training and all that.

On the other hand, I am jovial, friendly, love rock music, video games
and romantic stuff.
I am happy joining blogsville. Its an interesting place and everyone
seems so nice, especially FASHINGA!!!!

Hope to see more of blogsville and hope i win an award. You can check
out my blog at

Last but certainly not least is a personal blogger, like a lot of people on blogsville are. Introducing Kemi Penelope.

When I moved in as a resident of the B* World or what you guys call Blogsville, I definitely had a mission (I still do) but I have to say, I am really learning a lot especially from two awesome B* World citizens who have really been an impact in my way of blogging: Rita & Jaycee.

So I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I love what I see…but how do you describe ‘Amazing’…’Wonderful’…’Blessed’ without breaking into a dance? So forgive me if I don’t give a great account of who Kemi is. At least, one thing you guys might know by now is that I am a female blogger. And my blog surely speaks volume of who I am.

Kemi is becoming each week...a blogger who is struggling to be a better person and who knows that she is not perfect. But what makes it easy for me, is the fact that I am never alone in my journey to rediscovery. Ok, enough about the little about me...
What I like & dislike about B* World?

I love the sense of community especially in the Naija is like living the real world only it is cyber. They were right when they wrote that there’s power in the pen...only in this situation, we can say, there’s power in every key typed in the internet.

To be sincere, I don’t really have anything I dislike about the B* World. I believe that life has its good, bad and ugly moments and so does the B* World... But we do have to learn one thing and that is not to take anything too personal.

You can learn more about Kemi Penelope by visiting her blog.

P.S Lets not forget that besides having fun, the purpose of this award is to bring the citizens of blogsville together. Get to know new bloggers, rediscover old(er) bloggers. Make use of the blogsville citizens list and add new people to your blog family. Cheers!

Voting has begun!

Vote for Your favorite blogger now. Click on the icon to your right.

Let the fun begin.

And the Nominees are....

Drumroll please...................

Bloggers Choice award

Most Intellectual Blogger

Best Student Blogger

Best Political Blog

Best Religious Blog
Most Inspiring Blogger
Best Entertainment Blog
Best Fashion Blog
Best use of Media
Best use of Theme
Best use of Visuals
Best Literary Blog
Most creative Blogger
Dedicated Blogger Award Best Personal Blog
Best Everyday Read
Most Likable Blogger

Voting begins tonight at midnight (Eastern time), so check back with us. Come vote for your favorite Blogger. Broken links have been fixed. Click on the nominees to see their blogs.

Lets have fun!

There's a new button on the right column for nominees to display on their blogs. Now is the time to start campaigning!!!

What has blogsville done for you?

Why do you blog? What made you write that initial post? I have always liked to write and writing is one of my coping skills. So to me blogging is like free therapy. There's even a blog titled Free therapy......... or else by Ms. Sula (one of our honorary naija sisters).

Anyway, we all blog for different reasons and i know blogging has had a positive influence in a lot of bloggers lives. For some bloggers their blogs serve as their sanctuary, the only place where they can talk freely about the issues in their lives.

Rita wrote a very touching post about the influence of blogging in her life and she was nice enough to let us share it with you guys.

If I never said thank you to my Readers and Naija Bloggers, today I am saying thank you. This is not a parting message, fear not. This is a renewed commitment to blogging, by the Grace of God.

I was introduced to blogging by a Naija blogger. From here, my story begins:
In this blogville, I have made great friends
In this blogville, I have been inspired
In this blogville, I have been encouraged
In this blogville, I have been consoled
In this blogville, I have rolled on the floor laughing, even when circumstances around did not call for happiness
In this blogville, I have known talent
In this blogville, I have learnt new words
In this blogville, I have read words of wisdom
In this blogville, I have learned to improve my relationships
In this blogville, I have realized I am not alone in my pain and fears
In this blogville, I have learnt to be optimistic about life
In this blogville, I have had a virtual loving family
In this blogville, I have learnt that the time to show love is now
In this blogville, I have known more about God.

Many of you do not know how positively your posts and comments have impacted my life. Words are not enough to describe it.I do not know what blogville has done for you but it has done so much for me.If you think blogville has done anything for you, now is an opportunity to appreciate those bloggers who have made your day, those bloggers who have inspired you, those bloggers who contributed to your knowledge…the list is endless.

What has blogsville done for you?


Nominations for Category A will be ending Thursday, March 5th @ 12.00am eastern time. If you haven't nominated your favorite bloggers, now is the time.

No dulling!

The final 5 nominees for each category will be listed shortly after that. Watch this space!


People of Blogsville, I hope you guys are not dulling o! Campaigning has started in earnest. Check out Miss opeke's videos here and here. I hope you all don't want to be left out of the action. Make your videos or whatever medium you chose. Display it on your blogs. Let other bloggers get to know you are. No dulling!! Seriously. We are more than willing to put the links to your campaigning efforts. So if you do something special, send us the link and we'll put it up. No exceptions. Everyone is welcome to do it.

If people don't know who you are, how are they going to vote for you. Oya, people..... show yourselves.

Don't forget the most vocal/active participant get a special shout out at the end of the awards.

Newbie bloggers: Don't forget we are trying to do something for you guys. We want to give you a chance to be seen and heard so email whatever you would like, basically introducing yourself to

Thanks people!


Hey bloggers!

There were a few bloggers wondering how the awards are going to work/ be sorted out, and i have answers

- First of all, there is the nomination process: Here you guys get to choose the people you think deserve to be nominated in each category. This process is unrestricted, and you get to nominate any of your favourite bloggers, and get ur family and friends to nominate bloggers too!

- Second, there will be a sorting process. We would announce when the nominations close, and then we will sort out the five bloggers with the highest number of nominations in each category. These five bloggers will then be shortlisted as the final nominees for that category.

- Third, polls would be created, and you guys would get to vote for one winner in each category.
The bloggers that get the most votes would then be chosen as the winners of each award category.

- Lastly, the winners would be announced, and then the Naija Blogville Awards for 2009 will be declared closed. It's that simple.

people, you're not voting oh!! There are barely 70 votes in the category A nominations, and less than 30 in category B, which means you guys are slacking!!! You need to nominate your favourite bloggers if you want them to win!!!

You can go around campaigning for votes from other bloggers!


Category B Nominations... and other stories

Hey guys,

it's Geisha here! it's so much fun to be typing a blog post again. i want to drink in the moment and revel in the words... but it is not to be. i'm here to work!

I am so glad you guys are so excited about the awards - we are too! however people, ONLY 60 PEOPLE HAVE NOMINATED SO FAR. what's happening? Sixty people is not even half of the blogs on Afrobabe's blog list! come on!!

Clearly you were more excited about the category B awards, but you gotta show the 'A's some love too!

So we've ajdusted the 'rules' a little bit to reflect the info we've gathered:
* The category B nominations are going up right now, and they are going to run simultaneously with the category A ones. so you can have fun, but please don't neglect the more serious awards!

* We said the A nominations would end on the 5th of March, but we're taking away that deadline. feel free to nominate for as long as you like - and when we're going to end it we'll give you a few days notice.

* Bloggers, please try to limit your nominations to one per blogger... however, you can solicit votes from your friends and family! just point them to the webpage and let them do their thing! everybody can be a part of this, so vera, feel free to rally up your fans!

Go, Vote, and have FUN!!!!!!!

Male Bloggers

Hey guys (i mean that literally),
It seems like males bloggers are a scarce commodity on Blogsville, hence the current fight over Fine Boy Agbero :-) It's indisputable that majority of the blogs on Blogsville are by naija females. However, we don't want this bloggers award to be Naija (chicks) Bloggers Award like Afronuts said, so we would like to do something special for the guys.

The theme of this year's awards is Who You Be? In that vain, we want to know who our male bloggers are. Come and represent yourselves. Nominate yourselves in the comment section. Ladies, if you are nominating guys, let them know they've been nominated so they can come down and represent themselves.

We will then compile a list of the nominees, and have a mini awards within the awards for the Best Male blogger in Blogsville. Now the final two nominees with the highest votes will have to submit an entry telling us why they deserve to be the Best male blogger in Blosville aka Oga patapata of Blogsville. Based on their entries, we will then decide who the award should go to.

Alright guys show yourselves.

Bottom line: Only guys who actually come here and leave a comment will be eligible to compete for the Best Male Blogger Award. So far only 3 guys have actually left a comment on this post. This is because the point of doing something special for them is so we can get to know who they are. So if you nominate a male blogger, please stop by their blog and let them know they have been nominated. However, all the male bloggers mentioned regardless of whether they show up or not will get an honorable mention, in form of a link list dedicated to them.

A buncha bloggers...

Like I said, men will be men. I mean see me, a true Nigerian Drama Queen, call me Just Toluwa sitting on my own minding my own business when this black James bond walks up to me with interesting lyrics. Calling me Afrobabe, Aphrodite, Chili Pepa, like that was meant to forgive him his crime. I showed him my ring and dashed him my left shoulder. I totally expected he’d get the message but he just stood there smiling, calling me Vixen and telling me how he’d like to get me a better, more expensive ring, even doubting the authenticity of the ring itself.

Ahhh as a true city girl, I let him have it explaining to him that my hubby, Baroque, was on his way, but he went on saying he did not care and he always got what he wanted and wouldn’t mind brushing up someone if it came to that. Did not believe what he said and asked him if I was worth all that? I mean he just met me, we were at Buttercup and Chari’s 2nd wedding anniversary, and I felt he was jumping the gun.

But every woman has two sides to her, the classy and not so classy. Thing is, confidence and maybe a little arrogance attracts me, so you can imagine how the badderchic in me wanted to jump this man. Hmm, this situation would have to go into my secret diary, because this was an experience I did not want to forget.
I think he could tell that a part of me wanted him, because my naughty eyes were telling on me real bad. Then walks in Baroque with his buddy, Fine Boy Agbero; another guy I would have snatched up if I had not met Baroque first. Gosh, why so many of these fine men around. So my thought and moi went into conversation.

If Vera had not snapped me out of my rethots, I would have been drooling without realizing it. By now I knew I was in trouble, cos this guy didn’t just have audacity, he had lyrics. It is at times like this that I thank God for the technology. I just whipped out my blackberry, buzzed my girl Funms and asked for moral support and advice. If there was anyone who had good advice about men issues, it was her. I would have called on Tigeress but she had been MIA for some time. After updating Funms on things so far, I begged her for line of defense. She advised I just change table that this would hint Naija007 that i definitely was not interested, but for the love of me, i ignored her advice because i was interested. I did move my seat a little bit, but he slyly moved closer almost nibbling on my ears. I quickly logged on to confessions of a London gal to see what she would have done in this situation.

Naija007 wouldn’t give up. He was so strong headed, and he had Nolimit in showing to the crowd what he supposedly felt and I wondered why. I said I was not interested; at least that was what my lips said.

Finally he smiled at me, took my hand and removed the ring. It was like he knew my very soul. The ring was not mine, it belonged to Bumight who I was meant to meet there. Bumight was an undercover sister who could not wear her ring when she was working. She was a Medical Investigator and I happened to be around her when she got a call. I was just trying it on to keep it safe.

There was no man in my life, my last relationship had been a while back and had ended pretty badly. I only imagine Baroque and FBA in my life. They were not truly mine. Temite and Bumight beat me to it. Naija007 had said every word I had every wanted to hear. His every action was like he had read my soul. He turned his blackberry on so I could see, he was reading my blog!!!!

I smiled. It stung. It was the smile of a scorpio.

Guys dont forget to nominate your favorite blogger. Again, we would eventually pick just five from the most nominated blogs and voting will commence. Always check back for more updates.

I could not use a lot of blog names in this story, so i apologise. The story might not make sense, but this was for fun...


Category A Nominations

Hello people,

I'm glad you guys are all excited about the awards. Hopefully, we'll all have fun and get to meet other bloggers through this forum. The Blogsville Citizens list is still being updated, so watch out to see if you've been granted citizenship :-)

I'm know you guys are pumped to get started, so nominations for the Category A awards open today. Click on the link in the far right corner and get to nominating!!!!!!

Don't forget to spread the news. Let other bloggers know what's going on in blogsville. We want as many people as possible to get involved. It's all about having fun. We might be able to get all those disappearing bloggers to re-appear.

The most active blogger during this awards ceremony gets a special mention. How about that!

Since this is the nomination round, you can nominate as many people as you like in each category. However when it's time to vote you can only vote for one person. Keep in mind that we are going to choose the top 5 nominees for each category. When u fill out the nomination survey, if the person you are nominating is not on the blogsville citizens list, please be nice enough to include the url. If you don't know the url, the name of the blogger will suffice.

Nominations are going to be for a week, so you have from today, February the 24th until Wednesday March 5th to nominate bloggers for Category A. After that we will announce the nominees for each category and voting for category A will begin.

In case you are wondering why the awards is divided into two parts, we have a lot of bloggers who are doing positive things in blogsville and they need to be recognized (seriously), this is where Category A comes in. That is not to say Category B is not to be taken seriously, but as you can see it's obviously so we can have fun.

I would like to give newbie bloggers (6 months and under) a chance to be seen and heard. So if you qualify as a newbie and you are interested in putting up a post to introduce your blog, telling us why you started blogging and what you like or don't like about blogsville so far, please leave a comment with ur email address.


Welcome to the official blog page of the Naija Bloggers Award. This blog will serve as the official site where nominating, voting, interacting, and everything else will go down. The 2009 Naija Bloggers Award is Sting's baby, but she most definitely couldn't have done it without the help of Toluwa, Naijagirl, and the now retired Geisha.

We have come up with a whole bunch of award categories. However, we would like everyone to participate in this process and have as much fun as possible. We divided the award categories into two. Category A consists of the typical award categories, while Category B is not so typical.

Category A

  1. Bloggers Choice Award - Naija Blogger of the Year
  2. Best Personal Blog
  3. Most inspiring Blogger
  4. Best Student Blog
  5. Best Religious Blog
  6. Best Political Blog
  7. Best literary Blog - Stories, Poetry etc
  8. Best Everyday Read
  9. Most creative Blogger
  10. Best Intellectual Blog
  11. Most dedicated Blogger - Frequent updates
  12. Best Theme Blog - Religious, politcal, fashion, family etc
  13. Best Fashion Blog
  14. Best Entertainment Blog
  15. Best use of visuals in a blog - Look and feel of the blog makes you feel at home
  16. Best use of Media - Videos, music, graphics
  17. Most likable Blogger

Category B
  1. I laugh in Japanese - Funniest Blogger
  2. Celebutant - Most likely to become a celebrity off blogging
  3. Drama King/Queen - (Over)dramatic blogger.
  4. Hot and Sexy! - Blogger you think is hot in real life
  5. Fire in my pants - Blogger you'd hook up with based solely on the content of their blog
  6. Grandma/Grandpa Blogger - Seasoned blogging veteran who still updates frequently
  7. Paparazzi Blogger - Always on blogsville
  8. FIRST!! - Always first on every blog
  9. Meme Addict of Blogsville - Always doing Memes
  10. Most Scandalous/Controversial Blogger
  11. Blogger i would most like to meet
  12. Most Stalked Blog - People keep going back for updates, comments
  13. From the Outside looking in - Non-nigerian members of Blogsville aka Honorary naija
  14. Blogsville Celebrity/ Popular jingo - Most popular blogger
  15. Blogsville magician/Disappearing act Award - Blogger disappears for long periods without any explanation
  16. Most Nigeriacentric Blog/Blogger- Blog(ger) reps naija to the fullest
  17. (n)Oprah Award - Most likely to become a talk show host
  18. Quiet Storm - Most likely to quietly take over the world
  19. Say What?! - Most confusing Blogger
  20. Epistle Blogger - Blogger loves writing long post
  21. Most creative moniker (blog title or blog name)
  22. Blogsville Tatafo - Best Gossip blog
  23. So fresh and So clean - Best newbie blog(ger) (6 months and under)
  24. Blogsville Butterfly- Friendliest Blogger
Are there any categories you guys would love to have in the awards that are not up here? Let us know. Leave ideas and suggestion in the comments section.

Please, lets make this fun for everyone. Participate!!!!

P.S. The blogsville citizen list is still being updated. If you are not on the list, be sure to leave a comment and you will be added.

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